Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blogs vs. Wikis

I believe Blogs serve the main purpose of allowing people to voice their opinions and thoughts.  It is a place where anyone could express their thoughts or opinions on any issue that comes to mind.  Sometimes people want to express themselves but they can't physically say it.  They could turn to blogs and unleash what they have to say.  It doesn't matter if one person reads it or one million people read it.  I believe the feeling of expressing their thoughts is most important to people.  Blogs can also be informational. According to the information from a few blogs gave enough information for police to bust a crack house. The use of blog as a collaboration is very common.  People of the same blog community often collaborate and share the same ideas.  They tend to have the same opinion towards certain subjects, and their tendency to react the same way creates a bond between that blog community.
I believe Wikis serve the main purpose of providing information.  The fact that it could be updated and edited constantly allows the most accurate information to be posted.  I think most people want to give the most accurate information unless they have the intention to deceive people.  Wiki is a great way to publish information.  It has no production cost, yet anyone who could find your wiki will have access to it.  Wiki is a great way for people from multiple locations to work on a project.  According to companies like EMC are utilizing Wiki to work on projects.

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